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Cheerleading Is a Sport Essay

Cheerleading began as a male undertaking in 1898, when a University of Minnesota football fan drove the group in refrain on the side of thei...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Cheerleading Is a Sport Essay

Cheerleading began as a male undertaking in 1898, when a University of Minnesota football fan drove the group in refrain on the side of their group. It was not until World War II, when men transported out to war, that ladies dominated. At that point team promoters came to speak to the American perfect of womanliness: healthy crusty fruit-filled treat with washboard stomachs, immaculate teeth, and impeccable appearances. Generalizations give them a role as light, modest, and incomprehensibly enthusiastic. â€Å"From its unassuming start cheerleading has bloomed into a serious athletic movement with a genuine picture problem† (Forman 52). In any case, today’s post-women's activist youth have put another, different face on cheerleading. Cheerleading in America is not, at this point a matter of waving pom-poms, a charming grin and being excessively peppy. Calling themselves competitors, not beautiful sight, team promoters are pushing more diligently for acknowledgment as members in an official game. Today, cheerleading includes aptitudes which require the quality of football, the finesse of move, and the readiness of acrobatic. Complex moves are performed which challenge the restrictions of the body. Wellbeing associations, for example, the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators were shaped to create security rules to control programs in the protected presentation of cheerleading vaulting, which incorporate bounces, accomplice tricks, pyramids and tumbling. With the dangers included today, cheerleading ought to get statewide acknowledgment as a game. Resistance to making cheerleading a game, persistently state, team promoters are not competitors. Affirmation of this lies in the position paper of Women’s Sports Foundation, â€Å"any physical action in which relative execution can be judged or evaluated can be formed into a serious game up to (1) the physical action incorporates the above characterized components and (2) the basic role is rivalry versus different groups or people inside an opposition structure equivalent to other athletics’ activities†¦Cheerleading in its present organization, doesn't meet the subsequent models recorded previously. The main role isn't rivalry, yet that of raising school solidarity through driving the group at athletic capacities. † (Forman 51) Yet, as sports like football, b-ball, and wrestling become progressively famous, so does the team promoters. Nay-Sayers of the development are substance to have team promoters simply be the â€Å"back-up dancers†. Not understanding that team promoters are similarly as significant as the games groups they cheer for. Challengers state team promoters don't have a similar time responsibilities as different games groups. While they likewise don't perceive the physical strain put on team promoters bodies and the expanded hazard for wounds. The since quite a while ago held perspective on cheerleading as only another school movement is additionally a worry. On the off chance that the physicality of cheerleading isn't perceived, the management will keep on tumbling to instructors that are not able to sufficiently direct. Moreover, existing consultants won't get the preparation important to give sufficient management of an undeniably athletic action. Cheerleading has all the components of a game: rivalry, practice aptitudes, cooperation, and preparing. It likewise has an all year duty. â€Å"An significant development in the realm of cheerleading is the battle to authentic the movement according to the general population, said Laura Grindstaff, aide teacher of human science and social examinations at the University of California-Davis†(Coman â€Å"Cheerleading is presently risker†). Team promoters are battling to pick up the acknowledgment and regard they merit for their game. Albeit a few universities offer cheerleading grants, team promoters despite everything face segregation in secondary school and school sports. It is disturbing considering all the new dangers included that it still can't seem to be commanded in all states as a game. Twenty six state athletic associations have regarded cheerleading ought to be perceived as a game, yet shouldn't something be said about the other twenty five? â€Å"Cheerleading was avoided as a game when Title IX was passed, which disallows sex segregation in instructive establishments that get government funding† (Rondon 98). Title IX should be enactment that ordered that young men and young ladies get equivalent wearing chances. Yet, even accreditation just necessitates that mentors breeze through an online assessment; there’s no prerequisite for preparing in acrobatic or spotting strategies. † (Ebersole â€Å"Thrills and Spills†). What's more, just around twelve states control cheer as indicated by the principles set by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). For secondary school football, then again, all states follow the NFHS rulebook with the exception of Texas, which utilizes the NCAA school level principles. â€Å"Soccer, hockey, b-ball, and tumbling can't contend with regards to genuine back issues, breaks and, in grave cases paralysis†(Forman 51). Cheerleading isn't viewed as a game, so none of the shields that different games have created applies†(Forman 52). In the two states where cheerleading is named a game, team promoters are dependent upon indistinguishable principles from competitors, with respect to practice and travel limitations, s ecurity, camps, and training accreditation. Team promoters need the assurance of appropriate preparing room, legitimate clinical consideration, and appropriate checks and screenings for members. In the event that appropriately perceived groups would be given better preparing offices, mentors would be appropriately prepared, wounds would diminish and subsidizing for the projects would increment. With each part of cheerleading turning out to be progressively troublesome cheerleading merits the state-wide acknowledgment as a game similarly as some other physical wearing action. In the expressions of Kane of the Tucker Center, â€Å"when the way of life begins remunerating cheerleading similarly in which it rewards ladies and men sports with financial equality and grants, not just controlled to the sidelines, at that point I think we’re onto something† (Rondon 99). Not, at this point substance to simply root for the sidelines, team promoters are currently requesting the regard they so legitimately merit.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Sudetenland Essay Research Paper History The free essay sample

The Sudetenland Essay, Research Paper History The SudetenlandOn January 30, 1933, the Nazis obtained order of Germany when AdolfHitler was delegated Chancellor of the Exchequer. That flushing Hitler stood triumphantlyin the window of the Reich Chancellery coaxing to 1000s of stormtroopers who organized processions all through the avenues of Berlin. The Nazisproclaimed that their Third Reich would be the best civilisation inhistory and would keep going for 1000s of mature ages. Be that as it may, the meteorologic ascent ofHitler and national communism was trailed by an about each piece rapiddefeat ; the Third Reich made due for a simple 12 mature ages. In any case, one of themain reasons for World War II was Hitler s open avocation for thedismemberment of the Czech region through either war or conciliatory exchanges was theplight of the 3.5 million social Germans the Treaty of Versailles hadleft inside Czechoslovakia. The main land that Hitler needed to attach toGermany was that of the Sudetenland, where a large portion o f the individuals livingthere were of German start. We will compose a custom paper test on The Sudetenland Essay Research Paper History The or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The land other than flanked Germany toward the SouthEast, and Germany was set up to stifle this land at all expense. # 8220 ; And now before us stands the last occupation that must be understood and willbe comprehended It ( the Sudetenland ) is the last regional case which Ihave to do in Europe, yet it is the case from which I will notrecede # 8221 ; # 8211 ; Adolf Hitler, in a location in Berlin, September 26 1938, justprior to the Munich meeting. The vast majority of the German minorities live in Sudetenland, an economicallyvaluable and deliberately of import nation along the Czech limit line withGermany and Austria. The feelings of spite of the Sudeten Germans against theCzech region had prompted the ascent of a solid German nationalist movementin the Sudetenland. By the mid - 1930 s, this movement had the help ofalmost 70 for each centum of the Sudeten German populace. Their pioneer, thepro-Nazi Konrad Heinlen, started requesting freedom for this part Boththe existent and invente d occupations of the Sudeten Germans included credibilityto Hitler s charge that they were prevented the privilege from claiming self-determinationand lived as a loaded minority, which he was committed to help Inthe spring of 1938, Heinlein was guided by Hitler to do requests thatthe Czechs could non acknowledge, along these lines giving Germany a ground tointervene. The Czech situation without further ado transformed into a universal crisisthat overwhelmed the European scene for the rest of that current year.The weekend which started on Friday, May 20, 1938, formed into acritical one and would in this way be recognized as the # 8220 ; May emergency. # 8221 ; Duringthe coming about 48 hours, the Governments in London, Paris, Pragueand Moscow were terrified into the conviction that Europe stood closer towar than it had at any clasp since the mid year of 1914. This may hold beenlargely because of the likelihood that new projects for a German invasion onCzechoslovakia called # 8220 ; C ase Green # 8221 ; which were drawn up for him, gotleaked out. Hitler had started to fix a surge on the Sudetenland. The imprint day of the month was the start of October. He was set up to employan ground powers of 96 divisions. The Czechoslovak Government, perceptive ofHitler s purposes yet uncertain when the blow would fall, requested apartial assembly on May 21. Hitler was shocked, elucidating to hisgenerals that he had offered no danger and was being dealt with withcontempt. He had been embarrassed, and no 1 yet mortified him withimpunity. His fierceness against Czechoslovakia expanded, and on May 30 heissued a mystery order to his high offer: # 8220 ; It is my unalterabledecision to nail Czechoslovakia by military activity in the nearby future. # 8221 ; All through the late spring Britain, France and the Soviet Union were awarethat Hitler intended to strike at the Sudetenland and potentially the wholeof Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovaks had a top of the line intelligencesystem with Germany and knew from twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours what Hitler was be aftering. Germany other than had a top of the line insight framework, and in add-on ithad in Konrad Henlein, the National Socialist pioneer in the Sudetenland, a grown-up male who might end at nil to deliver a defiance or a demonstration ofdeliberate disturbance against the Czechoslovak Government. The Germannewspapers were loaded up with chronicles of mass misgivings of guiltless work powers andwomen in the Sudetenland, and there were the inescapable circumstantialstories # 8220 ; by our reporter. # 8221 ; Nonexistent individuals in nonexistentvillages were being butchered. The Czechoslovak Government attemptedto discredit a portion of these stories however surrendered in urgency. Hitler requested amassive publicity siege against Czechoslovakia to fix the Germanpeople for the October invasion.On September twelfth at Nuremberg, Hitler went as halting point to proclaiming waragainst Czechoslovakia as conceivable without truly buying in the request tohis troops to advance into foe locale. He shouted out that theCzechoslovak Government was using the entirety of its organizations conceivable toannihilate the 3.5 million Sudeten Germans. He asserted that these peoplewere being denied of their privileges, for outline, they were notpermitted to sing German vocals or to have on white stockings. In the event that indeedthey proceeded with any of these offenses they were violently struckdown. In spite of the fact that the tone was wildly noxious, he gave no examplesof atrociousnesss, potentially in light of the fact that there were none. # 8220 ; The wretchedness of theSudeten Germans is without terminal, # 8221 ; he announced. He so went on to promisethat Germany would take consideration of her ain and put a terminal to the continuedoppression of 3.5 million Germans. # 8220 ; I trust that the remote statesmanwill be persuaded that these are non minor words, # 8221 ; he included ominous ly.This unimaginable revelation made all of Europe scramble andmobilize its few ground forcess. Hitler was demandi ng the directannexation of the Sudetenland by the Reich, proposing that if important, he would fall back to war. The Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain was unconventionally bothered by the examinations coming out ofGermany. Feeling that rapid activity was vital, he sent off aseven-line wire to Hitler: Having appreciation to the logically basic situation, I propose to visityou right away so as to do a push to happen a tranquil arrangement. I come to you via air and am all set forward tomorrow. It would be ideal if you educate me ofthe soonest cut you can have me, and state me the topographic purpose of meeting. I ought to be grateful for an extremely early reply.Neville Chamberlain Hitler acknowledged Chamberlain and following a full yearss exchanges withHitler, a pooch tired Chamberlain flew back to London to deliberate with hiscolleagues. Over the accompanying hebdomad, Chamberlain met a lot more occasions withHitler. In any case, there was as yet a contradiction over the specific day of the month whenthe purging would get down. On September 29th, 1938 the MunichConference was held. It was gone to by agents of France, I taly, Germany and Britain. During the class of this meeting a pactwas drawn up and marked by all the delegates of the respectivecountries. Mystery Reich Affairs Agreement came to between Germany the United Kingdom France and Italy, in Munich on 29 September 1938Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy, taking into considerationthe understanding, which has just been reached in rule for thecession to Germany of the Sudeten German region, have conceded to thefollowing footings and conditions managing the said surrendering and themeasures specialist subsequently, and by this understanding they every holdthemselves answerable for the stairss important to obtain itsfulfillment: - 1. The discharging will get down on the first October. 2. The United Kingdom, France and Italy concur that the exhausting ofthe region will be finished by October tenth, with no existinginstallations holding been obliterated and that the Czechoslovak Governmentwill be considered liable for moving out the pur ging without damageto the said installings. 7. There will be the privilege of choice into and out of the transferredterritories, the choice to be practiced inside a half year from the dateof this comprehension. A German-Czechoslovak advisory group will discover thedetails of the alternative, see methods of facilitating the transportation ofpopulation and settle requests of rule beginning out of the saidtransfer. 8.The Czechoslovak Government will inside a time of 4 weeksfrom the day of the long stretch of this understanding discharge from theirmilitary and police powers any Sudeten Germans who may wish to bereleased, and the Czechoslovak Government will inside the equivalent periodrelease Sudeten German prisoners who are working footings of imprisonmentfor political impudences. Munich, September 29, 1938 ADOLF HITLERED. DALADIER MUSSOLINI NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN The day of the month set in the settlement for the start of Czechoslovakianevacuation of the region was October first 1938, an d German occupationof four determined domains was to take topographic point in sequential stagesbetween October 1 and 7. Additional areas of dominantly Germanpopulation were to be indicated by a worldwide board of trustees composedof delegates from France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy andCzechoslovakia, and those locale were to be involved by Germany byOctober tenth. The worldwide panel was other than to discover andoccupy nations in which plebiscites were to be held and fix a day of the month forsuch plebiscites no in this manner than the terminal of November. The plebiscites, all things considered, were neer held. It was other than concurred that if the cases ofHungarian and Polish minorities in Czechoslovakia w

Saturday, August 8, 2020

5 of the Toughest Health Care Interview Questions - And How to Answer Them

5 of the Toughest Health Care Interview Questions - And How to Answer Them Choosing to pursue a career in health care is one of the noblest choices you can make in life. If you chose to do this, congratulations from all of us. You will literally be a life-saver.People who work in this field not only have to study for a long time to know everything they need to know, but they also work under a huge amount of pressure. Everyone needs a nurse, a doctor, a pharmacist and so on.If you are currently a student and want to know what awaits you, or if you just finished your studies in health care and you are looking for a job this article will help you be prepared.Weve looked at all the questions that can come up during an interview and compiled a list of the most common five.By reading this, you will know what to expect from the interview and how to answer the five toughest questions.Weve also covered other questions that might come up for which you should have the answers ready.With all of this, weve prepared for you some tips tricks which will help you leave a better impression on the interviewer.Hope you enjoy reading!PREPARATION FOR THE INTERVIEWYou got your degree and you are eager to finally start working. Or you want to move from your current job to a better one.Finding a new job is about luck, but also about preparation. Even though you really cant control how much luck you have, you can control how prepared you are, and we are here to help you with that!After youve submitted your cover letter and resume, you get a call asking you for an interview. Congratulations! You are one step away from your next job in the health care industry!In order for you to get that job, you need to prepare for the interview as best you can. Interviews can sure be weird sometimes, but we are here to guide you on how to prepare for it.Well cover everything, from how to dress to how to answer questions.1.  What should you know?Well, you should definitely research where youre going to. Every hospital and pharmacy have their own organizational culture which creates an internal working environment.First, you can check their website as well as their pages on social media. On the latter, you can see what people are saying and what their experiences are like.If during the interview you demonstrate that you know which values they have or which projects they did lately, you will leave the impression of being genuinely interested in working there. Interviewers often want to find out if you did the research or not.It goes without saying that you should know to describe everything you have in your resume. Be prepared to talk about everything you have written there.From your skills to your studies and past experiences. Remember to keep your answers honest, the interviewer will love if youre being genuine with them.2.  What should you wear?To decide what you should wear to the interview, its best to first do the research and match the clothes to the environment you’re going to.For most health care institutions, they wear scrubs but you shouldnt wear that before working there.Rather, choose a business casual combination. Iron your clothes and prepare them a day in advance. Trust us, avoid making the decision of what to wear on the day of the interview.You dont want to be late because you were caught up deciding whether its better to wear a blue shirt or a white shirt.Now lets see the five toughest questions that you can come across and how you should answer them!5 QUESTIONS AND HOW TO ANSWER THEM1. Why did you choose a career in health care?a) Why does the interviewer ask this question?This is the expected Why question. Of course, the interviewer wants to know your reason for being here and he or she wants a good answer to it. Health care is not one of the most popular career paths people take.It takes a lot of studying, patience and hard work. So, the interviewer wants to know why you chose health care, and not maybe economics, IT or law.b) How to answer this question?Its best that you give a brief overview of your experi ence of choosing your career path. Avoid shallow reasons like money, the uniform, or my parents forced me.Rather, point out how important it is for you to help others and those in need. There must be a deep reason why you chose to be a nurse, a doctor or a pharmacist.The answer should give the notion that you will be happy working there and that you see the purpose of the job. The employer wants someone who wants to do the job, not someone who is just there for the sake of being there.c) An Example of a Good AnswerMy first contact with health care was when I volunteered in a clinic. The patients Ive met there are real heroes for me and I saw how their treatment could be better. I talked to the employees about it and we implemented my ideas. The patients were happier and I felt great! I really believe that good health care makes a difference in peoples lives.2. How do you handle stressful situations?a) Why does the interviewer ask this question?Working in health care can be one of th e most stressful jobs out there. In cases where someones life depends on you, the ability to remain calm is crucial.Of course, the employer wants to check this before giving you the job. He doesnt want to find out that you cant handle stress very well after he had already given you the job.b) How to answer this question?Well, for starters, youll want to say that you handle it well and that you can keep a clear head in stressful situations.To prove so, its best if you mention some of the stressful situations that already happened to you in this field.If you have experience working in this field, it shouldnt be a problem for you to remember a situation where your calmness helped make the situation better than it is.If, however, you dont have any experience yet you can mention some situation that happened during your studies or your internship.Its also nice if you mention how you handle stress in everyday life traffic jams, electricity being cut off, running out of water and so on. It wouldnt hurt to mention if you meditate, do yoga, run or lift weights.These are all healthy ways of dealing with stress.c) An Example of a Good AnswerI think that I handle stressful situations quite well, and people have told me so as well. For example, I was once in the situation where I had to give epidural to a panicking pregnant woman. She moved around a lot and didnt let me do it right. I counted to 10, calmed myself first and then talked to her and calmed her as well. I explained to her why its important that we do this. She stopped panicking and the baby was born without a problem.3. What is your salary expectation?a) Why does the interviewer ask this question?For some of you, the most important question of all. In a world that runs on money, every one of us has this factor in mind when choosing a job.Doing a job we love is best, but we also need one which keeps our stomachs full and our bills paid.The employer here uses the chance to see how much you value yourself, and its tricky not to undervalue or overvalue yourself. Getting that perfect middle isnt easy.Its much easier for the interviewer to ask this question than it is for the candidate to answer, but we will tell you how to do it with confidence.b) How to answer this question?First and foremost, dont name a number you are not willing to work for. Know what the minimum you are ready to work for is before going to the interview.Do some digging on what is the average salary for the position you are applying for in your country. If you can find it, it would be great if you know how high the salaries in that company where you applied are.Once you know the average, you can boost it up a little so that it doesnt sound too rude 10-20% more is perfectly fine.Expect the employer to make a counteroffer with a lower amount, and then you should be prepared to meet somewhere in the middle.c) An Example of a Good AnswerI truly believe that I can bring value to you and this company/institution with my experie nce from working similar jobs. My skills like (insert your strengths here) have helped me in the past to accomplish (insert a successful story here) and will help me be a great employee here.4. How do you stay up to date with trends that are happening in the healthcare industry?a) Why does the interviewer ask this question?This question is very important for the employer because he needs to know that you will be in touch with new technological advances that happen, and other changes that are happening in the industry.Think of any industry, for which would you say that its not necessary to keep up to date with changes that happen in it? Exactly, there arent any.In order to be great at what you do you need to follow others who are better and what they are doing. Learning from others has never been easier.With social media and the internet connecting all of us, communities have never been more relevant and networking has never been so important.New technology, new knowledge and new tre nds change every industry from time to time, so its important that you know when they are coming and when they happen.b) How to answer this question?Point out how you continually educate yourself in the health care field. You may be taking a course, listening to podcasts, visiting conferences, events and meet-ups or reading books or health care magazines.Whatever your way of keeping up with the changes is, just explain what youre getting out of it.Its great if you prepare examples of something you have heard from these sources and implemented successfully.c) An Example of a Good AnswerI keep up with everything that is happening in the industry by reading books and taking education courses, like (insert the name of the book and course here). I also read magazines like (insert name here). I know how important it is to be updated about these things so I try my best to do so.5. What is the biggest failure youve had in your career?a) Why does the interviewer ask this question?This is one of the most uncomfortable questions you can face. It reveals your uglier side. The side of you which makes mistakes and sometimes complete failures.We all make mistakes and these questions request of us to admit to them. By asking you this question, the employer sees where you make mistakes and maybe more importantly, how honest you are.Keep in mind that your employer has made mistakes as well, like all people do. Dont be surprised when this question comes up. This is not a trick question and you are not being sabotaged.This is just a question which tells the interviewer how you handle situations when things are not going as planned. All of us know that such situations are very common, especially in health care.b) How to answer this question?It is very important that you explain what you learned out of this failure and what action steps you took so that it doesnt happen again.Keep in mind that its not important what the failure was, but how you handled it.This is where the focus of your story should be. You should definitely avoid placing blame on others because that will show you dont own up to your mistakes and responsibilities.If there are some major incidents that youve caused in the past, if there isnt a way for your employer to find out our advice is not to mention them. If you are asked about it, then, of course, talk about it honestly.Otherwise, choose a failure from which you really learn something and which you used to improve your work. Dont mention critical ones as examples; youll just make room for unnecessary questions.c) An Example of a Good AnswerOne time I was late for a really important meeting with my superior. I was stuck in traffic but honestly, I should have counted on that since I was driving during the biggest traffic hours. I apologized to her and made sure that I dont make the same mistake again. I now start all my trips earlier than usual and take into consideration the traffic conditions.OTHER POPULAR QUESTIONSThe interview will pr obably consist of more than five questions, so lets look at some of the most common ones that have appeared in the past.You can analyze question by question by asking yourself what do they want to get out of it and how would my perfect answer look like. Here are some common ones:Tell me a little bit about yourself that isnt written in your resume.Where do you see the future of health care?Why should we hire you and not someone else?Describe a situation where you disagreed with a co-worker.Describe a situation where a patients family member criticized your care for them.Describe a situation where a patients family member praised your care for them.How did you handle a situation where a patient didnt want to give you sensitive information?How do you prioritize when there is a lot of work to be done?Give me an example of when your communication with a patient was terrible.Which career accomplishment are you most proud of and why? TIPS TRICKSAdjust your resume to the job description f or some jobs, it might not be so relevant that you have a certificate in MS Office, while for others it might be one of the most important factors. Use the words theyve used in the job description so your awesome resume comes up on top if they use any resume sorting software.Anticipate what they might ask you read your resume and think from the perspective of the employer, what questions would you ask yourself? Maybe you have some time where you didnt work but you rested, be prepared to talk about that part of your life.Rehearse the answers with all the questions and answers youve read here, you have enough to be very well prepared for the interview. Reading this wont make you prepared though, it will just give you the direction of how to prepare. Remember to rehearse the interview with someone and simulate how you give your answers.Ask the interviewer questions candidates who ask questions during the interview leave a good impression because it shows that they are interested in the job. Questions like who youll work with, what room is there to grow, would you have a mentor or not, are very important not just for leaving a good impression, but also for your decision whether you would like to work there or not.Dont come empty-handed youre not going to a pub with friends, so bring a pen and a notebook to write down important things that come up. Bring a bottle of water and a pack of gum or breath mints. Just make sure to take it long enough before the interview so that you dont have it in your mouth while talking.Sleep enough consider going to bed earlier than usual, you might take longer to fall asleep if you are feeling excited. Nothing makes up for a good nights sleep and you want to look fresh at the interview. Aim to sleep for about eight hours and eat a good breakfast in the morning. Keep in mind, not too big so you dont feel bloated.Plan to spend extra time in traffic you never know when you might get stuck in traffic. Calculate the time needed to g et there or use an app that tells you, and add about 15-20 minutes to that. Its easier to arrive early than to be late. If you are late for your first meeting with the employer its one of the worst impressions you can leave.Relax have in mind that this is just a job interview. If you dont get the job, there will be plenty more. If youre anxious youre just narrowing your chances of getting it, so believe in the positive outcome. Youll either get the job or youll have one more experience at an interview. The important thing is that if it doesnt work out, you keep going. FINAL THOUGHTSWorking in health care feels amazing! The profile is in high demand everywhere and always will be.The working conditions are usually great salaries in health care are one of the most competitive ones out there.If you are good at it, you can really move up in the industry and make a name for yourself.One good perk about this industry is that there is mutual admiration everywhere for your work.It feels gr eat to help others and thats what this industry is all about.Being there for someone in need is one of the most beautiful feelings that a person can have.Jobs in health care bring people this exact feeling. Although sometimes it can be difficult to find a job here, and interviews might be a scary experience for some, we know that you can do it.With these bits of advice, you should definitely have a good interview experience and more awareness of what the employer is looking to get out of you. They say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.We hope that you will use the opportunity you have and that this article will help you prepare.Good luck, you got this!